
Eight Steps to War [SCRAMCUP]

Most of the aggressions, leading step by step to open war in September 1939, were the outcome of the deliberate policy of Hitler.

S Reed Brett, European History 1900-1960 (1967).


A country which is determined to have a war can always have it.

Historian and British Cabinet minister H.A.L.Fisher, A History of Europe (1938).


Going Deeper

The following links will help you widen your knowledge - particularly, follow the links which offer you 'more info' on each event:  

  Describe the ways in which Germany broke the Treaty of Versailles, 1935-38.

  Describe the ways Hitler threatened the peace of Europe in the years 1933–38.


1.   Saar Plebiscite

The Treaty of Versailles had put the Saar under the control of the League of Nations for 15 years.   In 1935 the inhabitants of the Saar voted to return to Germany.   The Saar plebiscite is cited by many historians as the first step to war.  

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It broke the Treaty of Versailles.
    • 2.  It started a rearmament race.
    • 3.  It divided Germany'opponents - an attempted alliance by Britain, France & Italy (The Stresa Front), failed within 6 months.

The Saar Plebiscite - more info

Revision Mat pdf

2.   Conscription & Re-armament

Hitler began to build up his armed forces.  In 1935 he introduced conscription (calling up men to the army).  This broke the Treaty of Versailles.

As a response, in April 1935 Britain arranged a conference with France and Italy, where they signed the Stresa Front agreement, promising to maintain the Locarno Treaties of 1925 and to defend Austria against Germany.  However, Britain was negotiating with Hitler even as the conference was taking place, and in June 1935 signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement with Germany - not only had the British let Hitler get away with re-armament, they actively helped him to do so!  

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It broke the Treaty of Versailles.
    • 2.  It started a rearmament race.
    • 3.  It divided Germany's opponents - the 'Stresa Front' failed within 6 months.

    • 4.  Hitler realised he needed allies, and started building the 'Axis'.

Rearmament in Germany - more info

The Stresa Front, 1935 - more info

Hitler builds the Axis - more info

Axis Militarism - sets Nazi re-armament in its wider setting.

Revision Mat pdf

Powerpoint presentation explaining the cartoon


◄ Source A

This drawing by the British cartoonist David Low (20 March 1935) is titled 'Cause comes before effect'.

Four days earlier Hitler had held his 'Freedom to Rearm' military rally where he denounced the disarmament clauses of the Versailles Treaty and announced the reinstatement of conscription in Germany.

Click here for the interpretation


3.   Rhineland

Hitler invaded the Rhineland on 7 March 1936 (Operation Winter Exercise).  This broke the Treaty of Versailles.  It was a bluff – the German army had only 22,000 soldiers and had orders to retreat if they met any resistance.  But once again, Britain and France did nothing.  

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It broke the Treaty of Versailles.
    • 2.  It was the first military action by Hitler and it was successful.
    • 3.  France lost the opportunity to stop Hitler once and for all.


The Re-occupation of the Rhineland - more info

Infographic from versushistory

Revision Mat pdf

4.   Anschluss with Austria

There had already, in 1934, been one attempt to unite Austria with Germany by Austrian Nazis, who had assassinated the Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss in an attempted 'July Putsch' ... which had been prevented only when Mussilini in Italy threatenned war.

In 1938, Hitler took over Austria.  First, Hitler encouraged the Austrian Nazis to demand union with Germany.  Then, on 11 March 1938, the planned invasion of Austria took place ('Operation Otto').  This broke the Treaty of Versailles, but Britain and France did nothing.  

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It broke the Treaty of Versailles.
    • 2.  It was the first time Hitler had annexed land outside Germany.
    • 3.  It marked the beginning of Mussolini's support for Hitler.
    • 4.  It marked the first time Chamberlain appeased Hitler because Austria was 'too far away to help'.

The Dollfuss Affair, 1934

Radio Days - detailed account

Revision Mat pdf


Anschluss - documentary


Powerpoint presentation explaining the cartoon


◄ Source B

This cartoon was drawn by the British cartoonist Bernard Partridge for the satirical magazine Punch in February 1938.  It shows Hitler as a poacher, stealing Austria. 

Mussolini is shown as a bad game-keeper, failing to stop him; ‘I never heard a shot, Adolf’’, he is saying.

Click here for the interpretation



Does the fact that the cartoonist of Source B is misrepresenting Austria mean that it is an unreliable source?


5.   Munich

In 1938, Hitler tried to take over the Sudetenland.  First, Hitler encouraged the Sudeten Nazis to demand union with Germany.  Then, Hitler made plans to invade Czechoslovakia.

Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler.  At Munich, on 29 September 1938, Britain and France gave Hitler the Sudetenland.  

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It was the first time Hitler took land that was not simply redressing the Treaty of Versailles.
    • 2.  It convinced Hitler that Chamberlain and Daladier were 'worms' who could be bullied.
    • 3.  It convinced Stalin that Chamberlain and Daladier would not stand up to Hitler and led him to make the Nazi-Soviet Pact.
    • 4.  The German army, hoping Hitler would be humiliated by the allies, had planned to topple him when he was; his success meant the end of any hope of getting rid of Hitler.

Sudeten Crisis - more info

Revision Mat pdf  



Hitler and Czechoslovakia - old educational video (very biased)


Powerpoint presentation explaining the cartoon



◄ Source C

This British cartoon from October 1938 (by Low, who hated Nazi Germany) shows Hitler as Santa, popping into his sack, one-by-one, little countries – who had got into bed with the ‘French-British family’.  His sack says: Deutschland Uber Alles (‘Germany over all’).

The caption reads: 'Europe can look forward to a Christmas of peace' (Hitler).

Click here for the interpretation



What is the cartoonist of Source C saying about Hitler?


6.   Czechoslovakia

On 15 March 1939, Hitler’s troops marched into the rest of Czechoslovakia.  This, for most British people, was the time when they realised that the only thing that would stop Hitler was a war.  

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It discredited appeasement and demonstrated that Hitler's promises could not be trusted.
    • 2.  It was the first time Hitler had annexed a non-German people; thus it appear to prove that he wanted to dominate the whole world.
    • 3.  Czecholsovakia was a democracy, which worried the other western democracies.
    • 4.  It convinced Chamberlain that Hitler would ot be stopped by negotiation, and led him to make the Polish Guarantee (which was the eventual trigger of the war).
    • 5.  It outraged the British people, and got them ready for war (where in September 1938 they had been overwhelmingly in favour of peace).


The Story of Czechoslovakia - more info

How Czechoslovakia helped provoke war

Revision Mat pdf


7.   USSR/Nazi Pact

In summer 1939, Hitler began to unfold his plan to take over Poland.  First, the Germans in Danzig demanded union with Germany.  Then, Hitler threatened war.

Chamberlain promised the Poles that Britain would support them if Germany attacked Poland.

In August 1939, Hitler made a secret treaty with Russia.  He thought this would stop Britain & France helping Poland.

  •  Effects
    • 1.  It was the agreement which made Hitler brave enough to invade Poland.
    • 2.  It was seen as a disgusting act of political cynicism which convinced British people of the need for a war to stop this evil man.


Nazi-Soviet Pact - more info

Revision Mat pdf


8   Poland

In April 1939, Chamberlain announced the 'Polish Guarantee' - a promise to defend Poland if Hitler invaded (this was the event which ended appeasement).

  •  Effects
    • 1.  The Polish Guarantee was the end of appeasement - a 'non-negotiable' which provoked war.
    • 2.  The Polish Guarantee was the promise that prevented Chamberlain cutting another deal with Hitler in August 1939.
    • 3.  The Polish Guarantee was the decision which threw Stalin into the Nazi-Soviet Pact the invasion of Poland was the event which explicitly caused Britain to declare war on 3 September 1939.

On 1 September 1939, Hitler invaded Poland.

On 3 September 1939, Chamberlain declared war on Germany.


How the Polish Guarantee helped provoke war - short note

Eight reasons Hitler invaded Poland  

The outbreak of World War Two  - BBC Witness History



Invasion of Poland - old educational video



1.  List the 'eight steps' on Hitler's 'Road to War'.  For each step, explain how it 'went further' than the previous, so as to establish the progression ('escalation') of Hitler's actions.

2.  List all the facts which support Reed Brett's interpretation that: 'Most of the aggressions, leading step by step to open war in September 1939, were the outcome of the deliberate policy of Hitler.'  Do you agree: DID Hitler intend war from the beginning?


  • AQA-style Questions

      3.  Write an account of how the remilitarisation of the Rhineland increased international tension

      4.  ‘German rearmament was the main cause of increased tension in Europe before the Second World War.’  How far do you agree with this statement?


  • OCR-style Questions

      1.  Outline the events, between 1936 and 1939, that resulted in the outbreak of the Second World War

      2.  Explain why there was tension in Europe in the 1930s.

